Exclusive Interview with the Heiress and Brand Ambassador of Clarins, Jenna Courtin-Clarins

There’s always a part of me that gets nervous when doing interviews, but the moment I starting talking to Jenna, her genuine warmth, approachability, and grace really put me at ease. She had an ability to make me feel like I was talking to a friend – there’s a reason why she’s the Heiress and Brand Ambassador of Clarins.

Ahead of the launch of the revamped Double Serum, we had the pleasure of sitting down with her. She opened up about her cherished memories of her grandfather, the influence behind the brand, her experiences growing up within the Clarins family, and her inspiring vision for the future of this iconic skincare line.

Did your interest in skincare and cosmetics begin at a young age?

Actually, yes. My grandfather played a significant role in my childhood, and he was always teaching us holistic skincare methods—ways in which we could better care for ourselves. His teachings were simple but impactful: things like avoiding the sun, eating healthily, taking part in sports, maintaining a positive mindset, and surrounding ourselves with good people. His belief was that our mental and physical health do affect our skin and beauty. His lessons were so wholesome; sometimes he would even play games with us, and we’d try out products like sunscreen and different creams on our legs and faces. My grandfather would then explain what each cream did, and we’d compare the effects from one leg to the other, really noticing the difference. My sister and cousins had so much fun trying the samples as young girls. Being part of the process and watching my grandfather build the Clarins empire truly cemented the idea that the four of us (my sister and cousins) would continue the Clarins legacy at a later stage, which is just amazing.

What was it like growing up in the Clarins household?

Growing up with my sister and my cousins was wonderful; we always had each other, and this is something we’ve held onto in both work and life.

Can you recall a moment from your childhood when you knew you wanted to continue the Clarins legacy?

My grandfather loved tennis, and when my sister, cousins, and I were young girls, he would take us to the tennis club in Paris for lunch every Sunday. We would play tennis and then have a meal, which sounds so simple, but it was such a beautiful memory. We’d talk about Clarins and about life. It was our special rendezvous every week—just us, without our fathers.

What is a significant lesson you’ve learned from your grandfather, and how do you incorporate that into your life today?

My grandfather really taught us to be mindful of our overall health, not just skincare, as this is a major contributing factor to the health of our skin.

Looking at Clarins’ iconic range of products, do you have a personal favourite?

Definitely, the Double Serum for the face and the body oil are two of the first products my grandfather created, and they have been around for decades. These are my ultimate go-to products. My grandfather initially had a massage salon in Paris, and he wanted to create an oil that would stay on the skin for over an hour. That’s how my all-time favourite body oil came to be, and I’m proud to say it’s ethically made!

As Clarins’ brand ambassador, what is the key message you’d like to share with the world at this moment?

At Clarins, we are committed to caring for the skin while being completely ethical and considering the needs of our consumers and the planet. With the original Double Serum formula, we delivered results, and now, with new innovations and technology, we’ve discovered an ingredient that will completely change the game with its new anti-ageing properties in the Double Serum. Ultimately, we want to continue growing the Clarins legacy for another 70 years.

Clarins isn’t just a brand, it’s your family’s legacy. As someone who has seen it evolve over generations within your own family, what do you envision for the future of Clarins?

I would like to continue growing our family legacy and helping the world by achieving new breakthroughs in skincare, all while being environmentally friendly, as that is a value deeply rooted in our brand and family DNA. We want to focus on women’s needs and truly deliver astonishing results.


On Key

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