The Recall writer and director duo Reggie Keyohara III and Mauro Borrelli, respectively, have reunited on an all-new thriller titled Mindcage. The film stars Academy Award-nominee John Malkovich opposite Martin Lawrence in a tense crime thriller that evokes the feel of those early to mid-90s gems like Silence of the Lambs and Se7en. Ahead of its release, a few first-look images give us a sneak-peek of this tense cat and mouse mind game.
Mindcage is a gripping thriller that sees detectives Jake Doyle (Lawrence) and Mary Kelly, played by actress Melissa Roxburgh (Manifest), investigating a slew of murders. When it’s discovered that these killings aren’t random, but copycat murders of an infamous serial killer, Jake and Mary determine the best course of action to get a step ahead is to peer into the mind of the original killer known as The Artist (Malkovich). Enlisting his help in prison, Mary attempts to tap into the twisted psyche of Malkovich’s Artist as she and Jake are dragged into these two killers’ diabolical game.
Similar to the relationship between Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) and Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) in Silence of the Lambs, the images show Roxburgh’s Detective Kelly pleading with The Artist for his assistance in tracking down this copycat killer. This crime drama marks off another genre box for the actress whose filmography has spanned across sci-fi in Star Trek Beyond, horror fantasy with the hit series Supernatural and her breakout in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules.
Likewise, in Hannibal fashion, Malkovich’s The Artist is seen in a cell full of paintings and art supplies, poring over the photos and information provided by the detectives. Unlike Dr. Lecter, The Artist’s appearance is harried and crazed, which fans know isn’t an entirely new look for Malkovich. The actor is no stranger to eerily sinister roles including Tom Ripley in Ripley’s Game, In the Line of Fire‘s Mitch Leary and Dangerous Liaisons‘ Vicomte de Valmont. On top of Mindcage, Malkovich has a whole host of projects in the works including an animated drama with Jason Isaacs titled A Winter’s Journey and Thelma, a biopic of sorts for Thelma Toole, the mother of A Confederacy of Dunces author John Kennedy Toole, portrayed by Kathy Bates.
Considering his role as Marcus Burnett in the Bad Boys franchise, Lawrence is well-equipped to play a leading detective, though Mindcage proves a bit darker tonally than his Will Smith team-ups. Best known for his roles in the comedy genre, Lawrence is seen in the photos butting heads with The Artist, and investigating the murders alongside partner Mary Kelly.
Zenith Rating
6.6 / 10