A Journey of Activism: Sohail Ahmad Sultan’s Quest for a Free Palestine

In a world filled with passionate individuals committed to noble causes, few stories capture the essence of dedication and purpose quite like that of Sohail Ahmad Sultan. A British-Pakistani aspiring documentary filmmaker and basketball enthusiast, his life took a profound turn when he felt the call to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. He recently sat down with Zenith and together we explored Sohail’s journey, from his initial awakening to his recent triumph in court, and his unwavering dedication to the cause of a Free Palestine.

I feel extremely grateful and a part of a massive movement that will (inshaAllah) make a
substantial positive change to the world and the condition of the Palestinian people within
our lifetime.

Sohail Ahmad Sultan

Awakening to the Palestinian Cause

Sohail’s connection with the Palestinian cause began in early 2021 when he witnessed the escalating violence against Palestinian civilians in Jerusalem through social media. Horrified by the plight of the Palestinians, he did some extensive research, uncovering the countless murders committed by Israel to expand its occupation and subdue the Palestinian population. Two significant events deeply moved him: the tragic death of Eyad al-Hallaq the year before and the activism of Rachel Corrie in 2003. These events spurred him to take action, and he began participating in protests.

However, the situation intensified when Israel began bombing the Gaza Strip in May 2021. Sohail realized that while traditional protests were powerful, they were not an urgent enough response to the mounting casualties among Palestinians. In response, he joined Palestine Action and engaged in direct action against businesses that knowingly profited from the Palestinian crisis. Arconic, a company providing materials and engine parts for Israeli F-35 fighter jets, was one such target.

Triumph in Court

On June 14th, 2021, Sohail was charged with criminal damage after taking action against Arconic. Despite numerous delays, his trial finally took place, offering him the opportunity to expose Arconic’s complicity in the ongoing crisis to the judge and jury. He outlined the essential reasons behind his actions:

  1. To send a message to companies enabling and profiting from violence that such actions would not be tolerated in Birmingham.
  2. To raise awareness about the oppression of the Palestinian people due to Israel’s occupation and systematic genocide.
  3. To disrupt the production and supply chain of fighter jets used by Israel.

After hours of deliberation, the jury unanimously found Sohail not guilty, recognizing that his actions were aimed at protecting lives and property in Palestine.

Soaring to New Heights

For Sohail, this journey of activism has been transformative. He feels a stronger connection to a global community that shares a common commitment to peace and freedom for Palestinians. His dedication has enhanced his knowledge, eloquence, and awareness, as he faced the challenges that came with his activism. Sohail is grateful to be part of a movement that he believes will create substantial positive change for the Palestinian people within his lifetime.

The Cause’s Significance

The cause of a Free Palestine is deeply significant to Sohail. He can no longer be a mere spectator after learning about the historical injustices that underlie Israel’s existence and witnessing the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people. He sees the Palestinians as his people, and he firmly believes in making even small sacrifices to ensure justice for them.

Future Plans

As a spontaneous individual, Sohail’s future plans remain open-ended. He aims to complete his university education and continue advocating for a Free Palestine. With the weight of legal restrictions lifted, he also hopes to travel, expanding his horizons and contributing further to the cause he holds dear.

Sohail Ahmad Sultan’s journey is a testament to the power of conviction and the unwavering commitment to a just cause. His dedication to the Palestinian people and the pursuit of a Free Palestine serve as an inspiration for others to take meaningful action in the face of injustice and oppression. Sohail’s story is a reminder that individuals, no matter their background, can make a difference and contribute to a brighter future for those in need.


On Key

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