Leading by Example: Meet Dr. Naim Maadad, Founder of Gates Hospitality

In the world of hospitality, leadership and innovation are essential. Dr. Naim Maadad, founder of Gates Hospitality, embodies these qualities through his hands-on approach and unwavering passion for setting a positive example.

Dr. Maadad sees himself as a hands-on leader who is deeply committed to inspiring his team.

“I’m passionate about always setting the best example to lead and inspire the team. If you can do that effectively and surround yourself with the right people, then managing the business naturally becomes a lot easier,”

The decision to become an entrepreneur was shaped by the desire for freedom and flexibility. “Not having to report to a certain place at a certain time was something that really struck a chord with me,” Dr. Maadad explains. He cherishes the ability to personally embrace his business and finds empowerment in being directly responsible for its success or failure.

With over 30 years in the industry, Dr. Maadad has witnessed significant technological changes and stresses the importance of staying current.

“There is always something new that you have to learn, especially in an ultra-competitive and progressive marketplace like the UAE. If you don’t, you’ll quickly be left behind,”

Navigating Challenges

Dr. Maadad recalls the pandemic as a particularly challenging period. “There was no manual to refer to. The human aspect was the most challenging as we were dealing with people’s livelihoods, and ensuring the safety of guests,” he says. Despite governmental guidance, the uncertainty required careful and often improvised navigation. “We had to navigate through these days diligently and blindly to a certain extent,” he admits.

The pandemic, an unprecedented challenge, highlighted the industry’s resilience. “The pandemic hit the industry hard, but it showed how resilient we can be in the face of adversity,” he reflects. He also values learning from the new workforce, particularly Generation Z. “I’m constantly learning lessons from the Gen Z’s, who always offer a different take on things,” he adds.

For Dr. Maadad, resilience is rooted in a clear business purpose.

“If the business purpose is well defined and always in focus, resilience becomes easier to navigate through and conquer,”

He stresses the importance of viewing challenges from multiple angles and avoiding rash, emotionally driven decisions. “Make sure that no matter what happens, the focus stays on the goal,” he emphasizes.

At Gates Hospitality, innovation is a core value. Dr. Maadad encourages everyone in the organisation to suggest improvements. “No entrepreneur will have all the answers, so it’s vital that we entrust the team to continue to be driven towards the purpose of the organisation, to be guided by the brand pillars, and to constantly evolve,” he says.

Dr. Maadad underscores the importance of a balanced approach to life. This includes mental and physical workouts, healthy eating habits, and positive human engagement, which keep him grounded.

Looking ahead, Dr. Maadad hopes to leave a legacy defined by the culture and relevance of the brands he has developed. Proud of Gates Hospitality’s international standing, he is also committed to giving back to the industry. A partnership with DCT to develop apprentices reflects his dedication to future-proofing the hospitality sector in the UAE.

Through his experiences and approach, Dr. Naim Maadad continues to inspire and lead by example, demonstrating that effective leadership, resilience, and innovation are the cornerstones of successful entrepreneurship.


On Key

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